Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dangerously Delicious Pies to Union Station

Dangerously Delicious PiesEater has confirmed that Dangerously Delicious Pies will be opening a location in Union Station on July 25th.

As pie enthusiasts, we're excited by this news, but a bit miffed: where is our Chinatown outpost we were promised?

We reached out to both Dangerously Delicious and Douglas Development a few weeks ago and haven't heard a peep back.  There's no news that the Union Station outpost is in lieu of the location slated for 901 7th Street, but we have to think that if Dangerously Delicious can pull off an opening at Union Station inside of six weeks, there's got to be a serious hold-up and or change of plans for Chinatown.

1 comment:

  1. The Penn Quarter store will open soon, it's on the I St side of that building. They took a former gated loading dock and converted it to a storefront. A construction worker there confirmed to me that it's going to be the pie shop.
