Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spraying for Ginkgo Biloba trees set to begin

The Ginkgo Biloba trees that populate many D.C. streets have a distinctive problem: they smell.  They smell bad.

They other problem is they drop tiny little fruits all over the sidewalk that you then step in.

Nonetheless, as Prince of Petworth reports, the tree lives on because they survive pests, drought, storms, ice, and city soil. 

To combat the smell, however, the D.C. Department of Transportation sprays the trees with a chemical called Shield-3EC 24(C).

Our neighborhood will be among the first sprayed (where female Ginkgo trees are prevalent) and the spraying will occur overnight.

Seems like this is a lot of work when there are lots of trees in the world?  The Urban Forestry Administration is allowing residents to choose on a block-by-block level if they want to replace the trees.  Residents can file a petition here.

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